Objectives (By Parent)

Hierarchy & Heatmap

Objectives (By Parent) is similar to the hub, it has Objectives grouped based on their parent Objectives. This new view offers a simple and efficient way to examine all OKRs under a parent Objective in one consolidated view.

Accessible through the Hierarchy tab, Objectives (by Parents) works similarly to the hub, presenting OKRs organized by their parent Objectives.

This new view includes two filters:

Periods: By default, it is set to Current periods, encompassing the Current FY, Current Period, and Current Strategic Period.

Levels: Defaulting to Level 2, it displays the first parent Objective and its child OKRs. The first parent could be strategic pillars or company-wide OKRs.

  • Level 3 reveals two levels of parent Objectives and their child OKRs.
  • Level 4 showcases three levels of parent Objectives and their child OKRs.
  • Finally, the "All Level" option unveils all parent Objectives and their child OKRs.
  • With this enhanced Hierarchy view, leaders can now gain deeper insights into the alignment and progress of OKRs within the organization's hierarchy, facilitating better decision-making and successful strategy execution.