Key Performance Indicators Examples
Stickiness Ratio Metric
The Stickiness Ratio is a metric that assesses user engagement with a product or service. It is used to assess the efficacy of a company’s product development and user retention efforts, as well as to identify areas where the product or service can be improved.The formula for Stickiness Ratio is:
Stickiness Ratio = (Daily Active Users / Monthly Active Users) * 100%
It is calculated by dividing the number of daily active users by the number of monthly active users and then multiplying the result by 100% to get the percentage. The ratio indicates how “sticky” the product or service is by representing the percentage of monthly active users who are also active on a daily basis.
For example, if a website has 1,000 monthly active users and 200 of them visit the website daily, the Stickiness Ratio would be 20%.
A high Stickiness Ratio indicates that a company’s product or service engages and retains users over time. A low Stickiness Ratio, on the other hand, suggests that the company’s product or service, as well as its marketing efforts, may need to be improved in order to attract and retain users.
It is critical to track the stickiness ratio over time and compare it to industry benchmarks and historical data to identify areas where the company’s product or service, as well as user engagement and retention strategies, could be improved.
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