Strategic Planning -nonprofit (charity) / regular companies

How Strategic planning is different for Nonprofit organizations

Your company's strategy plan should be a real-time system that is routinely assessed, examined, and updated. Also, it is necessary for fundraising efforts and grant applications.

A comprehensive nonprofit strategic strategy is essential, regardless of how important the internal or external states are. Unfortunately, a lot of Nonprofits view the requirement for strategic planning as more of a simple habit than a necessity.

This blog will guide you through the process of developing and putting your organization's strategic plan into action.

What exactly is a strategic plan for non profits?

A strategic plan is a written document that outlines the mission, objectives, and strategies used by your non-profit organisation to accomplish those objectives. Strategic planning helps organisations stay on track, holds them responsible for long-term success, motivates staff and volunteers, matches financial resources with organisational objectives, and shows how your mission is being fulfilled.

An organisation keen to implement a strategic plan should clearly express its goals for four main reasons, according to a recent study.

  • First, because the organization's goal is unclear, the lack of a defined purpose may make carrying it out impossible. Making decisions based on an unclear mission may result in the organization's resources being dispersed, which may lead to failure.
  • Second, difficulties may arise when prioritising an overly broad goal.
  • Third, the lack of a defined purpose may lead to stakeholders disagreeing on the techniques to be used and the reason for the organization's existence.
  • Fourth, without a defined purpose, a company would struggle to decide whether it is necessary to change its goal.

According to the above viewpoint, strategic planning is a tool that allows an organisation to define clear objectives and develop strong leadership.Several strategic planning processes are used, depending on the organization's reputation in the community, the external environment, and the underlying principles. Because of this, nonprofit organisations may handle it differently.

How to devise an effective nonprofit strategic plan

Although there are many ways to define strategic planning, most people can agree on its purpose. Strategic plans outline where your company is going, how it plans to get there, and how you'll measure success in meeting your objectives. As a result, strategic plans are sometimes compared to road maps. The organisational goals serve as the destination, the actions required to get there serve as the roads, and the cities and towns along the way serve as checkpoints.
Once you've determined which nonprofit strategic planning model is best for your organisation, it's time to add value to your strategy by focusing on a few key components.

Set objectives

Setting clear objectives for your company is the first step. Specific, quantifiable, and time-bound objectives should be set.

Making Preparations

To prepare for an organized process, an organization that decides it is actually ready to start strategic planning should complete these four tasks:

  • Pick out certain problems that the planning process needs to address.
  • Make roles clearer who does what during the process.
  • Make a committee to handle planning.
  • Determine the data that must be gathered to assist in making wise judgments.


Gather data on all potential supporters of your cause. The research phase will entail learning about other businesses that serve similar goals, locating individuals and other organisations that can assist you, investigating the industry's major challenges, and so on.

SWOT analysis

Examine your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A strong nonprofit strategic plan must be reflective as well as forward-thinking.

Objective foundation

The SMART approach, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely, can be used to create both long-term and short-term goals. It is critical to ensure that every sub-goal in this situation ultimately serves the main goal.

Identify Your Goal-Achieving Methodologies

Once your goals are clear, you can begin developing the strategies that will get you there. Targeted and precise strategies should include phrases such as, "Increase income by 10% through increased membership."

Alignment of impact and values

Your nonprofit's strategic plan might help you explain how the influence you seek to have fits with the organization's core values. Defining the values encourages cooperation and a sense of belonging among all participants.

Establish Particular Strategies to Support Each Goal

Your organisation should implement specific supporting and reporting measures to help keep your team accountable for accomplishing each of the goals and ultimately the broader fundraising targets in your development strategic plan.

Give it some thought

As we all know, nonprofits are driven by people. The nonprofit's staff is in charge of managing the entire system, even if donors contribute the funding.

Tips for Nonprofit Strategic Planning Success

Depending on what your business needs, a strategic plan can vary in complexity. Although specificity is not necessary, it is advantageous to have a basis and framework on which to build. It is also advantageous to develop the plan with a group of staff or board members.

1.Work together to create your nonprofit's strategic planning objectives.

2.Using the strategic planning objectives, develop quantifiable goals.

3.Rank your charity's strategic plan's objectives according to priority.

4.Review your approach plan and make any necessary adjustments.

5.Work together with a consultant to get guidance during the process of strategic planning.

When creating your strategic strategy, you should think about the following issues

  • What issues require fixing, exactly?
  • How can you address them?
  • How will you be able to tell whether the issue has been resolved?
  • How long (timeframe) will it take to resolve them?
  • Who is in charge of fixing them?
  • What kind of resources—cash, labor, volunteers—will you require?
  • How will the term "success" be used?
  • How frequently ought the strategy to be examined and revised?

Concluding thoughts

It's an exciting time for your charity to be developing a new strategic plan, and you'll work most effectively and successfully if you've done the necessary preparation work ahead of time.Strategic planning is an important management tool for nonprofit organisations that want to set and achieve goals. Your requirements will dictate how simple or difficult this procedure is. The objectives and methods of the plan must be precise, quantifiable, and time limited.

The annual budget must be created with the Board's assistance, and those controls must be in place. The Board can only carry out its responsibilities if it receives timely and accurate financial information. This time, "what if" modelling is used to ensure that the agency is prepared in the event that certain funding is not available.

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