What you can do with OKRify ?

  • Set meeting agenda collaborative with your team
  • Assign action items
  • Collaborate with meeting notes, comments, etc
  • Set goals and track with OKRs & KPIs

Meeting Templates

Meeting agenda templates can be a helpful tool for organizing and structuring meetings in a clear and efficient manner. An agenda outlines the topics that will be discussed during a meeting, as well as the order in which they will be addressed. This helps to keep the meeting on track and ensures that all relevant topics are covered.

There are many different types of meeting agenda templates available, each designed to meet the specific needs of different types of meetings. Some of the most common types of templates include:

Basic Meeting Agenda: This template is a simple, generic template that can be used for any type of meeting. It typically includes sections for the meeting's purpose, attendees, agenda items, and next steps.

Team Meeting Agenda: This template is designed for meetings that involve a team of people working together. It typically includes sections for the meeting's purpose, attendees, agenda items, and next steps, as well as space for discussing team-specific topics such as progress updates and team-building activities.

Business Meeting Agenda: This template is designed for meetings that involve business-related topics, such as sales, marketing, and financial analysis. It typically includes sections for the meeting's purpose, attendees, agenda items, and next steps, as well as space for discussing business-specific topics such as financial reports and strategic planning.

Project Meeting Agenda: This template is designed for meetings that involve discussing progress on a specific project. It typically includes sections for the meeting's purpose, attendees, agenda items, and next steps, as well as space for discussing project-specific topics such as project timelines, milestones, and deliverables.

Decision-Making Meeting Agenda: This template is designed for meetings that are focused on making important decisions. It typically includes sections for the meeting's purpose, attendees, agenda items, and next steps, as well as space for discussing important topics, decision criteria, and potential outcomes.

When creating a meeting agenda, it's important to keep in mind that the most important part is what the attendees need to accomplish and make the time for the meeting worth while. By using a template, you can ensure that all important topics are covered, while keeping the meeting organized and on track.

Additionally, using a software can be useful to make the organization process more efficient, be easily shareable, and allow all the attendees to know what is expected of them. For example,OKRify Meeting Application in Salesforce has in-build meeting agenda template which can be really handy.

In summary, meeting agenda templates are an essential tool for organizing and structuring meetings in a clear and efficient manner. They can be customized to meet the specific needs of different types of meetings, helping to keep the meeting on track and ensuring that all relevant topics are covered.

1-on-1-Meeting Template

1:1 Weekly Meeting Template
Weekly 1:1 meetings gives employee and manager time to discuss employee goals, challenges, support required and next action items.
First 1:1 Meeting Template
Template for the first 1:1 meeting that will provide a great start, icebreaker and set expectations clearly
Top 3 Deals Coaching Template
Coach Sales Rep with the top three deals and help them achieve their goals close to the end of the quarter

Sales Meeting Template

Sales Team Weekly/Monthly Meeting Template
This template is for weekly/monthly meetings for Sales Teams.
Top 3 Deals Coaching Template
Coach Sales Rep with the top three deals and help them achieve their goals close to the end of the quarter
1:1 Weekly Sales Rep/ Sales Manager Meeting Template
Weekly 1:1 meetings gives Sales Rep and Sales Manager time to review deal statuses, learnings, obstacles and provide opportunity for managers to provide coaching on the deals.

OKR Meeting Template

Quarterly OKR Review Meeting Template
OKR Review Meeting is important part of the OKR process to understand what worked and what did not work, also OKR is an agile methodology
Quarterly OKRs/Goals Planning Meeting Template
Deciding the right OKRs to focus is a key to success of an organization or a team, this template provides a template for the planning meeting to review last quarters OKRs and draft OKRs for the new quarter.
Weekly OKR Check-in Meeting Template
Continuous OKR progress update is important in managing OKR Goals and to make agile decisions to mitigate risks and exploit opportunities that arise. OKR Check-in meetings are essential for agile decision making and strategy execution