Key Performance Indicators Examples

Commit Frequency
Commit Frequency is a metric that measures the number of code commits made by a developer or a team over a specific period of time. It is used to measure the productivity of a developer or a team and to identify areas where the development process could be improved.
The formula for Commit Frequency is:
Commit Frequency = (Number of Commits / Time Period)
It is calculated by measuring the number of code commits made by a developer or a team over a specific period of time, such as a week or a month, and dividing that by the length of the time period. The unit of commit frequency is typically in commits per day, per week, or per month.
For example, if a team makes 100 commits in a month, the commit frequency would be 100/30 = 3.33 commits per day.
It’s important to track the Commit Frequency over time, compare it against industry benchmarks, and track it by different segments, such as by different teams, products, or customers, in order to identify where the problem is and take action to increase the Commit Frequency.
It’s also important to keep in mind that commit frequency is not the only metric that should be used to measure the productivity of a developer or a team, it should be used in conjunction with other metrics such as the number of defects found, the code coverage, and the code churn or rework.
Additionally, it’s important to understand that a high commit frequency doesn’t necessarily mean that the developer or the team is productive, it can also mean that the code is poorly structured, hard to understand and maintain, and that the developer or the team is making a lot of small commits instead of fewer large commits, which is less efficient.
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