Key Performance Indicators Examples
Monthly Active Users (MAU)
Monthly Active Users (MAU) is a metric that measures the number of unique users who have engaged with a product or service during a specific period of time, usually a month. It is used to measure the overall reach and engagement of a product or service, and to identify areas where the product or service could be improved.
The formula for Monthly Active Users is:
MAU = (Number of Unique Users Who Engaged with the Product or Service in a Specific Period)
It is calculated by counting the number of unique users who have engaged with a product or service during a specific period of time, usually a month. Engagement can include actions such as visiting a website, using a mobile app, sending a message, or making a purchase.
For example, if a website had 1,000 unique visitors in January, and 800 of them returned to the website in February, the Monthly Active Users for February would be 800.
Monthly Active Users is an important metric for companies that have a significant number of users or customers, because it allows them to identify trends in user engagement and to make informed decisions about product development, marketing, and user acquisition.
It’s also important to track the Monthly Active Users by different segments, such as demographic, geographic, or behavior groups, in order to identify where the problem is and take action to increase the Monthly Active Users.
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