We welcome this fall season with another exciting release, Oct 2021 release includes the below
Objective Hierarchy
Objective hierarchy provides a complete overview of all objectives that are aligned with the company goals. Every objective and its key results that are aligned with the company goals or any of its children are included in the objective hierarchy. Objectives that are not aligned with company goals or a parent aligned with company goals are not included in the objective hierarchy.
Objective hierarchy includes user-friendly options to drill down different objectives levels ,expand all objective levels with a single click, zoom in or zoom out and key results for each objective can also be viewed.
Objective details such as name, progress, team and owner are displayed for each objective and objectives are color coded based on its risk. For key results, name and progress is displayed, and progress is colored based on the Key Result’s risk. Also on hover over a key results, it’s confidence, owner and risk are displayed.
Team Hierarchy
In this release, we have improved the Team Hierarchy. Now team hierarchy has user friendly options similar to objective hierarchy to drill down different team levels, expand all teams with a single click, zoom in or zoom out and objectives for each team can be viewed.
Team hierarchy provides all the teams that are setup in OKRify, please ensure all the teams except the company level team have a parent team to view the teams in team hierarchy. Team’s name, progress and manager are displayed, teams are colored based on their risk. For each team all the active objectives can be viewed, the objective’s name and progress are displayed and progress is colored based on the objective’s risk. Also on hover objective’s owner and periods are displayed.
Hub – KR Update Frequency
We have added the last Key Result Progress Update Date on hover over the Key Result Update Frequency in Hub. This will make it easier for users to know when a key result was last updated easily right from the hub.
Contributors Update to include deactivated users:
Contributors now allow searching for deactivated users and remove deactivated users that are already added as contributors. This update will solve the issue of not being able to remove deactivated users from contributors. In the next update contributors will be improved so only removal of deactivated users are possible.