OKR Buttons for Related Salesforce Objects
Onboarding Guide
- Prerequisite before installing
- Installation
- Load Defaults
- Assign License
- Permission Set Assignment
- Enable Topics
- Setup Teams and Team Members
- Setup Periods
- General Settings
- Hub Default Settings
- Risk Colour Settings
- Default Settings
- Custom Fields Settings
- Sobject/KPI Objects Settings
- OKRify Settings
- Setup Email Notification
- Creating Calendar Event and Updating Meeting
Additional Setup Instructions
OKR buttons to add a related list to Salesforce objects. Below are the three buttons that can be added to related list
- Create OKR – Button to go to the Create OKR page
- OKR Hub – Button to go the OKRify Hub Page
- OKR Link – Link to view the OKR
Note: Add the object as a lookup field in Objective field
Steps to add Create OKR and OKR Hub to related list of an Object
- Go to Setup -> Object Manager
- Go to Page Layout
- Go to Related Lists

4.Find Objective in the related list and click properties

5.Deselect New and Change Owner
6.Scroll down to Custom Buttons
7.Add Create OKR and OKR Hub to Selected buttons. Click Ok.

8.Select OKR Link into selected fields
Both buttons and links are added to related list

A user can be part of multiple teams and can be manager for multiple teams. Only one team can be set as a Default Team for a user.
Email notification’s subject can be edited and merge fields can also be added as required for your organization.
Click the template name to edit the email template. Click Edit HTML version to edit the html version of the email template.
Email text can be edited in html and any merge fields can also be included in the email template. Save the email template after making the changes.