Meeting Notification Weekly Digest
- Meeting Hub
- Create 1:1 Meeting
- Create Team Meeting
- Create Cluster Meeting
- Work with a Meeting
- Meeting Objects
- Recurring Meetings
- Create Calendar Event
- Meeting Notification
- Meeting Settings
- Meeting Objects Settings
- Set Default Meeting Template
- Links to Meetings
- Email Meeting Details
- Meeting Reaction
- Meeting Feedback
- Private Meeting Notes
OKRify Meeting can send weekly digest email notifications to users with information for upcoming meetings (Next 7 days), completed meetings (Last 7 days) and all open items. Weekly digest email provides a weekly summary of the meetings and open items for the users. The below information is available in the Meeting weekly disgust email
- Upcoming meetings(Next 7 days)
- Meeting Name
- Meeting Date & time
- Meeting Organizers
- Completed meetings(Last 7 days)
- Meeting Name
- Meeting Date & time
- Meeting Organizers
- All Open Action Items
- Action Item Name
- Action Item Due Date
- Meeting Name
- Meeting Date
To send the Meeting Weekly digest Schedule the Apex Class ‘MeetingNotificationSchedule’. Click here for information on how to schedule an Apex class.