Meetings Settings

Meeting settings are available in the Meeting Hub for users with the OKRify_Meeting_Admin permission set. Settings for the meetings provides administrators ability to manage the following settings

  • Set default templates
    Set default templates for 1:1 and team meetings. These templates will be the default templates if default templates are not assigned for the teams. Click here for information on how to assign default templates (1:1, team) for teams.
  • Enable Meeting Options
    The following options will enable the following options for the meeting, the options will not be available for meetings if they are not enabled.
    • Create Salesforce Event for Meeting – This option will provide the ability to create Salesforce event for a meeting
    • Enable OKRs – This option will provide the option for users to add OKRs to a meeting
    • Enable KPIs – This option will prove the option for users to add KPIs to a meeting
  • Repeat Meeting Settings
    These settings will be used for repeat meetings
    • Days to complete meetings– The number of days before the next meeting the current meetings will be automatically completed if they are already not completed.
    • Carry over General Items – Default for carrying over open general items from the current to the next meeting
    • Carry over Action Items – Default for carrying over open action items from the current to the next meeting
    • Carry Over Questions and Multiple Options– Default for carrying over open Questions and Multiple Options from the current to the next meeting
  • Default Settings
    The default settings for the meeting options, the enabled options will be the default selected options for the meeting.
    • OKR
    • KPI
    • Salesforce Event

Calendar Settings (Meeting Hub)

Go to Meeting Hub - Settings, under the Calendar Settings select the appropriate email provider and enter the email address from the Email Service setup.