Personal OKR

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a powerful tool for setting and achieving goals, both in the workplace and in your personal life. One key aspect of OKRs is that they are personal, meaning that they are tailored to the individual setting them. In this post, we'll discuss how to write effective personal OKRs, including examples of what they might look like.

First, let's define what we mean by "personal OKRs." These are goals and objectives that you set for yourself, as an individual, rather than goals set by an organization or team. Personal OKRs can focus on any area of your life, such as career development, skill building, fitness and health, or personal growth.

When writing personal OKRs, it's important to keep in mind the key principles of OKRs: they should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). Here's a breakdown of what each of these principles means:

  • Specific: Your OKR should be clearly defined and specific, with a clear outcome in mind.
  • Measurable: You should be able to measure your progress towards achieving the OKR.
  • Achievable: The OKR should be challenging, but still realistic and achievable.
  • Relevant: The OKR should align with your overall goals and aspirations.
  • Time-bound: The OKR should have a specific deadline for completion.

Now that we've covered the principles of OKRs, let's look at some examples of what personal OKRs might look like.

Improve my public speaking skills
Key results
Give a presentation to a group of colleagues by the end of the quarter
Attend at least two public speaking workshops within the next six months
Deliver a presentation at a conference or industry event within the next year
Become a subject matter expert in a specific area
Key results
Read and summarize at least one relevant industry report or white paper per month
Attend at least two industry-related conferences or events within the next year
Lead a project or initiative that demonstrates expertise in the chosen area
Improve my time management skills
Key results
Complete 80% of my to-do list before noon every day
Review lead qualification process and identify key lead attributes
Schedule and attend at least one meeting per week to discuss time management strategies with my manager or mentor.
Advance to a management position within the next two years
Key results
Complete a management training program within the next 6 months
Lead a successful project or initiative within the next year
Consistently receive positive feedback from colleagues and superiors on leadership abilities
Develop a specialized skill set to become a valuable asset to the company
Key results
Complete at least one relevant certification or training program within the next 6 months
Lead or contribute to at least one project that utilizes the specialized skill within the next year
Consistently receive positive feedback from colleagues and superiors on the specialized skill
Increase my visibility within the company to position myself for promotion
Key results
Attend at least two networking events within the next quarter
Lead or contribute to at least one company-wide project or initiative within the next year
Consistently receive positive feedback from colleagues and superiors on contributions to the company
Establish myself as a thought leader in my industry
Key results
Publish at least one article or blog post on industry-related topics within the next quarter
Speak at at least one industry conference or event within the next year
Consistently receive positive feedback from colleagues and superiors on contributions to the industry
Improve my coding skills
Key results
Complete at least one online coding course within the next quarter
Participate in at least one coding competition or hackathon within the next 6 months
Lead or contribute to at least one coding project within the next year
Develop my language proficiency in a second language
Key results
Complete at least one language course within the next quarter
Practice speaking the language for at least 30 minutes every day
Achieve a specific score on a language proficiency test by the end of the year
Build my fitness level and overall health
Key results
Attend at least 2 gym sessions per week for the next quarter
Run or walk at least 10K steps per day
Achieve a specific fitness level as measured by a fitness test by the end of the year
Improve my sales techniques
Key results
Attend at least one sales training course within the next quarter
Close at least one major sale within the next 6 months
Increase sales by at least 15% within the next year

When setting personal OKRs, it's important to remember that they should be specific to you and your goals. By keeping the principles of OKRs in mind and using the examples above as a guide, you'll be able to set effective personal OKRs that will help you achieve your goals and aspirations.