Steps after upgrading to OKRify 2.0

Update UOM field picklist values in Key Result Object

New Key Result types are added in OKRify 2.0, the picklist values need to be updated in the UOM field in the Key Result object.
Please add the following picklist values to UOM field in Key Result Object

  • Milestone
  • Linked OKR
  • Report
  • KPI

Deactivate the following picklist values

  • Boolean
  • Currency

Steps to update picklist values

1.Go to Setup -> Object Manger

2.Search for Key Result

3.Click Fields & Relationship and search for UOM

4.Scroll down and Go to Values

5.Click New, add the following values and save

6.Deactivate Boolean and Currency

7.Please check the UOM has the following seven values active