Create Split Target for Key Results

(Number, Percent)

The Split Target feature allows users to divide a target into smaller time intervals within an OKR period. For instance, if a Key Result needs to have a different target for each month within a Quarterly OKR period, the Split Target feature can be utilized to set a distinct target for each month.

In an Annual Objective Period, the Key Result target can be divided into monthly or quarterly intervals. Meanwhile, for Quarterly Objective Periods, the Key Result can be divided into weekly or monthly intervals.

Split Key Result targets into smaller time intervals

To split a target for a Key Result (Number, Percent, Sobject, KPI), you can follow the steps below after entering the Objective fields in the create OKR process:

1.Enter Key Result Name
Key Result names should be short, concise, and highly recommended to include measurable values. The icon next to the Key Result Name field will be red if the Key Result name field does not have a numeric value. This is not an error, it is to guide users to enter Key Results names with measurable values.

2. Select Unit
For Sobject and KPI, select the required information.

3.Enter the Target
Enter the overall target for the Key Result.

  • Sum: For Sum, target should be the overall target for the OKR period
  • Average: For average, the target should be average value for the OKR period

4.Enter the Weight
Enter the weight for the Key Result to calculate the progress for the Objective.

5.Click Split Target Icon
Click the Split Target icon to open the Split Target screen. Once a split target is entered then the Target type is set to Increase and the Starting value field is disabled. Deadline date field will also be disabled once the Split Target values are entered, deadline date has to be entered before entering the Split Target values.

6.Select a Split Period
Select a Split Period such as Month or Week

7.Select Sum or Average
Average is only available for Number or Percent.

8. Enter targets for Split intervals

  • Sum: Enter targets for each split time interval, total KR target should be equal to the sum of the targets entered for the time intervals. Click Save to return to the main OKR screen.
  • Average: Enter targets for each split time interval, the targets for the time intervals is the expected average for the interval. Click Save to return to the main OKR screen.

9.Select Frequency
Select the frequency on which the Key Result will be updated.

10.Select Confidence
Select the initial confidence for achieving the key result’s target.

11.Enter Contributors (Optional)
Enter any additional user/users as contributors for the Key Result. Contributors can also update the Key Result’s progress along with the Owner of the Key Result.

12.Enter Deadline (Optional)
Enter a custom deadline for the Key Result if it is different from the end date for the period selected for the OKR. Deadline has to be entered before entering the Split Target values. Please ensure the deadline is updated in the Split Target screen before saving the OKR.

13.Save OKR
Enter other Key Results as needed and Save the OKR

Information: For Split Target OKR

  • Starting value cannot be entered
  • Only for the Increase target type
  • The deadline should be entered before entering Split Target values

Update Split Target for Key Results Progress (Number, Percent)