OKR Weights for Team Progress and Risk
- Create OKR
- OKR without KR
- Create Milestone Key Result
- Create Sobject Key Result
- Sample Sobject
- Sample KPI Filters
- Create Split Target for Key Results
- Create Linked OKR Key Result
- Create Link KR Key Result
- Team Access Only OKRs
- Private OKRs
- Strategic Pillar
- Create KPI Key Result
- Create Report Key Result
- Edit/View OKR
- Add Contributors for Key Results
- Clone OKR
- Clone Key Result
- Close OKR & Add Review Score
- Pause and Unpause OKR
- Save OKR as a Template
- OKR Weights
- Links to OKRs
- AI Templates
- My Templates
- OKR Templates
- OKRify Templates
- Number/Percent – Update Key Result Progress
- Milestone – Update Key Result Progress
- Sobject/KPI/Report/Linked OKR Key Result – Update Progress
- Split Target Update Key Result Progress
- Check Key Result Error Logs
- Create Board for OKRs
- Create Task Bases OKR
Team progress and risk are calculated based on the average progress and risk of Objectives for the current periods (Current Period, Current FY and Current Str Period). Now OKR weights can be enabled to calculate the progress and risk for teams based on the weights assigned to the OKRs in the current periods.
OKR weights can be enabled in OKRify settings using the Enable OKR weights button. OKR weights will be available in Team and Company OKRs to add weights for an OKR. The sum of the OKR weights for all the Objectives in the current periods should be equal to 100% to calculate team progress and risk using OKR weights.

OKR weights are also displayed for OKRs in the Hub next to the team name.

Team progress and risk will be calculated using OKR weights only if the sum of the OKR weights is equal to 100% if the sum of weights are not equal to 100% or if weights is not entered for any OKRs then the team progress and risk will be calculated using average of the objectives in the current period. If weight is entered for at least one of the objectives and the sum of weight is not equal to 100% then an email will be sent to team managers to notify the managers to update the OKR weights.