
Update Key Result Progress

Key Result progress can be updated in Hub. Owner or contributor for a Key Result can update progress for a Key Result. Key Result progress is automatically updated for Sobject, KPI, Report and Linked OKR type of Key Results.


  1. Go to Hub
  2. In My OKR tab, all objectives for which the user is owner or contributor (Key Result) will be available.
  3. Expand the Objective to view Key Results for the Objective
  4. Click on Key Result for which progress needs to be updated
  5. Update the progress for the Key Result
    Enter the latest progress value in the progress field. Change in progress will be displayed next to the progress field.
    Note: Warning confirmation will be displayed in the progress value is less than the current progress value
  6. Select confidence
    Select appropriate confidence of achieving the final target based on the current progress. Updating confidence helps everyone understand the your sentiment of achieving the target and notify others in your team if you are anticipating risk in achieving the target.
  7. Enter notes (Optional)
    Enter notes for the current progress update, notes can be viewed in KR history tab.
  8. Click save button to update they Key Result progress
  9. KR Trend graph will be updated based on the progress entered. The KR History tab will also be updated with the latest progress.

Number of files and links will be displayed instead of Add Link/File in the side window for an OKR if files or links exist for an OKR. Click the Files and Links button to Open the files and links. Click a file to preview the file or click a link to open the link. A file or a link can also be deleted from the popup.